Time traveller: Kindy excursions
Bring your kindy class to Redcliffe Museum for a time traveller experience.
Redcliffe Museum plant swap
Join us on the first Saturday of every month at Redcliffe Museum to take part in a community…
Red Centre activity booklet
Dive into our specially designed game booklet to learn about the Red Centre's First Nations knowledge and heritage.
Colour my feathers - bird colouring activity
Come along and decorate a feathered friend in our Red Centre Imaginarium!
Red Centre Imaginarium
Redcliffe Museum has a new Imaginarium full of fun activities and interesting facts about Australia’s Red Centre.
Create a felt animal activity
Immerse yourself in our hands-on felt craft activity by creating Australian animal shapes to add to our red…
Say Our Name: Australian South Sea Islanders
On the 30th anniversary of National Recognition for Australian South Sea Islanders, this exhibition brings into focus the…
Eye Spy
Pop on down to Bribie Island Seaside Museum, explore our collection and have a try at one our…
The Patch Imaginarium
Bribie Island Seaside Museum creates an interactive space from 26 Oct 2024 - 28 Apr 2025 to space…
Secrets: Objects of Intrigue
Explore the deeply individual and universally human phenomenon of secrets in this Queensland Museum exhibition, on display for…
Shifting Shores: Redcliffe's beautiful beaches
This exhibition Shifting Shores: Redcliffe’s beautiful beaches celebrates the beaches at our doorstep, from the landscape to the…
Daily Highlights Tour Queensland Museum Kurilpa (Weekday)
Join Queensland Museum Kurilpa's knowledgeable guides on a daily Highlights Tour for a journey around the museum and…
Daily Highlights Tour Queensland Museum Kurilpa (Weekend)
Join Queensland Museum Kurilpa's knowledgeable guides on a daily Highlights Tour for a journey around the museum and…
Experience lacemaking at Redcliffe Museum
Discover the historic art of lacemaking at Redcliffe Museum with members of the Queensland Lace Guild.
We, the jury (exhibition)
Supreme Court Library Queensland presents 'We. the jury'—an exhibition exploring the different aspects of jury service and how…
'Boss' - G.J. Walter Exhibition (February - April)
The Redland Museum presents 'Boss', an exhibition about G.J. Walter, a Cleveland business man and Shire Chairman who…
A powerful new exhibition is now open at the Queensland State Archives (February to July 2025)
Queensland State Archives presents a new exhibition: "Winagaylay Ngiyani Ganunga — We Will Remember Them" from 20 February…
Curator Tours of Say Our Name: Australian South Sea Islanders
Visit Queensland Museum Kurilpa for free, curator-led tour of the Say Our Name: Australian South Sea Islanders exhibition.…
2025 Museum Open Day and Rebrand Launch
A free event for all the family - come to the Redlands Coast Museum in South East Queensland…
Births, deaths and marriages: Life Celebrations discussion
Delve into how life’s milestones are being redefined in today’s world at Life Celebrations: A panel discussion.
Oral History Basics Workshop
Oral History Queensland presents an Oral History Basics workshop on 29th March 2025.
Autumn Craft Market
The Embroiderers' Guild Queensland Inc is holding its Autumn Craft Market on 2 and 3 April 2025. The…
Youth Week event at Redcliffe Museum
Celebrate Youth Week from 6 April - 12 April at Redcliffe Museum. Join us for a live music…
Easter Chick Hunter: 2025 April School Holidays
Comes to the Redlands Coast Museum this April school holidays to see if you can find the Easter…
Free Kids Craft - 2025 April School Holidays Activity
Come down to the Redlands Coast Museum this April School Holidays for Easter craft activities - free for…
Wednesday Lunchtime Lecture: Introducing the Queensland Atlas of Religion
The Royal Historical Society of Queensland presents another Wednesday lunchtime lecture: Introducing the Queensland Atlas of Religion, hosted…
Unearthed: Modern dinosaurs
Visit Pine Rivers Heritage Museum these school holidays as we celebrate Youth Week with a fun interactive workshop.
Easter family craft at Redcliffe Museum
Join in a family fun activity day where you make Easter craft items by using collage materials.
Galop for Gold! Dances of the Gold Rush.
Australian Historical Dance presents Galop for Gold - a selection of dances from the Gold Rush era. A…
Women Walk the World @ Samford Museum
Discover Samford’s history through repurposed and purpose-built buildings and the displays within. Education, homelife, travel, rural industries and…
'Creativity - Diversity' Textiles Exhibition
Redlands Coast Museum and ATASDA presents 'Creativity - Diversity', a fascinating Textiles Exhibition you don't want to miss!
Real People, Real Stories - High Tea
The Redlands Coast Museum presents 'Real People, Real Stories - High Tea' on Thursday 8 May, as part…
The Brisbane Quadrille
Australian Historical Dance presents The Brisbane Quadrille on 9 May for the Australian Heritage Festival. Experience the exciting…
Wednesday Lunchtime Lecture: Matthew Flinders & His Imprisonment on Mauritius (1803-1810)
The Royal Historical Society of Queensland presents another Wednesday lunchtime lecture: Matthew Flinders & His Imprisonment on Mauritius…
Our Story Live: Cemeteries of the Pine Rivers region
Discover the history of the six public cemeteries of the Pine Rivers area, including Lawnton, Albany Creek and…
Science on the Move
Science on the Move’s intriguing exhibit investigations will engage your mind and body.
The 2025 Moreton Bay Settlement Conference - 200 Years of Settlement on the Brisbane River
The Royal Historical Society of Queensland is convening a full day history conference at the Commissariat Store Museum…
Heritage Day Event at Caboolture Historical Village
The village comes alive with the Heritage of our local area, artisans, parade, re-enactments, music, markets and more
Twilight at the Museum
The Redlands Coast AdventureFest is about to take your excitement to a whole new level with an action-packed,…
Abbeystowe Challenger Clash 2025
The Abbey Museum of Art and Archaeology presents the 2025 Abbeystowe Challenger Clash, co-hosted by Team Vultures Sunshine…
How Deep Is Your Love: Bee Gees re-imagined
Celebrate the timeless hits of the Bee Gees at Redcliffe Museum with a special live music event.
Wednesday Lunchtime Lecture: SEACOM - The 1960s SUPER HIGHWAY That Modernised Communication in QLD
The Royal Historical Society of Queensland presents another Wednesday lunchtime lecture: SEACOM - The 1960s SUPER HIGHWAY That…
Our Story Live: Finding Pine Rivers settlers in immigration records
To celebrate the Journeys exhibition, genealogy expert Shauna Hicks explores records and resources available to research the early immigrants to…
Our Story Live: Finding Pine Rivers settlers in immigration records
To celebrate the Journeys exhibition, genealogy expert Shauna Hicks explores records and resources available to research the early immigrants to…