- Meetings on the first Friday of each month at 2pm
- http://historyredcliffe.com.au/
- 07 3284 1466
- https://www.facebook.com/HistoryRedcliffe/
History Redcliffe
History Redcliffe aims to research, collect, evaluate, preserve, inform, promote and honour Redcliffe history.
The Society meets on the first Friday of each month at 2pm either at the Redcliffe Library or at the Terry Walker Room of the Cultural Centre, Irene Street, Redcliffe. They feature a guest speaker to cover a wide variety of topics and this is followed by the handling of general business. Afternoon tea is then served. This is a pleasant environment and members are encouraged to invite friends as a guest. Visitors are made very welcome.
For details and the venue of meetings, please check the website.
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Other interest group
Postal address: The Secretary, Brisbane History Group, PO Box 2118, Brookside Centre, Qld 4053
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Police History